To Complete this Task, You need to have the following :
Bitbucket account:
Git Bash:
Maven and Java: Refer to previous posts
Step 1: Create a New Project folder in your PC
Right click on your workspace ---->New----Folder
You can Name it whatever you like. ( I name mine projects)
Step 2: Go into the folder, launch Git Bash
Go into the folder---right click---Select--- Git Bash Here
This will launch Git Bash in your current folder
Step 3: Create First Maven Project
To create your first maven project copy and paste the following command in Git Bash console:
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.mkyong -DartifactId=MyWebApp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-ar
This will create a folder called MyWebApp
Step 4: Load Project into Vscode
Go to the Git Bash Console and Type the following to load the Maven project into Vscode
code .
This will launch Vscode with the project in your current directory
Step 5: Setup SSH keys in Bitbucket
Go to Git bash console and type
It will prompt you to specify where you want to save the ssh keys and to enter passwords.
You can use default location and no password. Type enter 3 times
Go to the location your public key is(mine is /c/Users/FCP/.ssh/, you can open the file with notepad and copy the text or use the cat command to view it in git bash. You can also navigate to the file and view it using vscode. All examples are below
Using git bash:
Eg Enter
cat /c/Users/FCP/.ssh/
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